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120x100cm Acrylic on canvas 2023
Painting: Bedouin trail
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x100cm
Year: 2023.
Oh my family, I miss you
If my heart were a stone it would drop down to meet you
Oh you tree on top of the mountain
The gazelle is sleeping in the hot hours of the day, the sound of the rain knocks against the tree
Oh woods on the top of the mountain
She is very beautiful, all the men track her steps like wolves following the goats*
Painting: Mountain monk
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x100cm
Year: 2023.
“From afar,
I know your white-rock hermitage,
hidden in a haze
of evergreen trees.
When the moon sets,
it’s mind-watching time;
clouds rise
in your closed eyes.
Just before dawn, temple bells
sound from neighboring peaks;
waterfalls hang thousands of feet
in emptiness.
Moss and lichen
cover the cliff face;
a narrow, indistinct path
leads to you.”
Chia Tao
Painting: Sagittarius quest
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x100cm
Year: 2023.
Sagittarius, the archer --
mountain tops in your soul,
sunsets in your eyes.
you were born to be wild
made to roam free.
unafraid of wandering
off the beaten track.
you are the archer,
always on a quest for adventure,
even within the comfort of home,
often lost in ideals in your mind.
You are a healer,
An unbidden trust of your instinct
An eternal pursuit of
A higher purpose
Painting: Calling of an angel
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x100cm
Year: 2023.
Velvet vibrations taunt
For what do we seek
Eyes, hands & wings
Faint laughter
Pause to a slow pitched sound
Angelic creatures in their manifestation of Movement
Closer than ever before
90x90cm Acrylic on canvas 2023
Painting: The blue genie
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 90x90cm
Year: 2023.
Living a fantasy is fantastic,
I very well know.
But it’s not real,
not worthy of aspiring — I used to think.
The genie and the lamp,
wishes fulfilled for free — all seemed fictitious.
But, magic is mysterious —
It can surprise you,
out of thin air.
To believe,
you need to witness it live —
The spell, doing its spectacular trick.
Painting: The raspberry harvest
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 90x90cm
Year: 2023.
There once was a boy with summer sky colored eyes.
His mouth was made of wild raspberries.
His laugh of falling leaves.
He fell in love with a girl with trees in her eyes.
There was once was a girl with trees in her eyes.
Her mouth was made of rosebuds.
Her laugh of rushing waterfall.
She fell in love with a boy with summer sky colored eyes.
Painting: The thinking process
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 90x90cm
Year: 2023.
Life is a mystery, we don’t know all the mechanics
of how we live or use our brains, yet we rarely, if
ever think about these things.
Living, working, playing, taking vacations, raising
families, that is what our lives primarily consist of.
Our minds add quite a bit more through our intellects
and it’s thinking process.
Painting: The three musketeers
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 90x90cm
Year: 2023.
O I do remember
When I was young
Me and my buddies
Had so much fun
Yes I really enjoyed
Those early years
Me and my friends were
The three musketeers.
We would to go
Sit around talked
And joke
Eating four coiner
And drinking a ice
Cold Coke.
80x120cm 60x80cm Acrylic on canvas 2020/2021
Painting: Happiness comes from Cats
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 80x120cm
Year: 2022.
A cat with cute wild eyes,
Smiled as it walked through our lifes
As the day get dark,
And as the lights spark,
It rushes back as a shark,
It combs its fur, as it purrs lightly,
And goes to sleep.
Painting: Summer wave
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 80x120cm
Year: 2021.
You’re like a summer wave that I can take
You’re like a summer wave I can’t escape
And I wanna go back to those days
You’re like a summer wave that I can take
Painting: Eve Stretches her Neck
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x80cm
Year: 2020.
Man and Woman in the Garden
…but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil;
For in the day that you eat of it, you will surely die.”
Painting: Noon kisses
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 60x80cm
Year: 2021.
Everything is freedom
‘Til the seasons change
And the trees start dying
And the sunlight leaves your face
Hear the crack of lightning
Where your heart will break
Into new beginnings beginning to erase
Painting: Mother Earth
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 60x80cm
Year: 2021.
We call our planet as Mother-Earth,
because Earth is only planet where life can exist
in a familiar means.
Our home place,
where you were born,
where you grew up,
where you eat and play, everyday.
Earth is the one and only Mother of all living organism
who gives as everything we need...
120x80cm Acrylic on canvas 2021/2022/2023
Painting: Strawberry Land
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x80cm
Year: 2021.
Strawberry girl in a strawberry world
Life here is a treat
Strawberry girl in a strawberry world
Forever it’s upbeat
Where the berries grow so tall
Where the air is clean for all
Where big berry raindrops fall
Strawberry land is neat!.
Painting: Ocean Walk
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x80cm
Year: 2022.
At your side, I will stand,
together we’ll walk, through the sand.
With the setting sun,
and a summer breeze,
reflecting our love,
on the open seas.
A walk on the beach, I will share, hand in hand, we walk with care.
Making our hearts, strong and brave,
along with the passions,
of thee ocean waves.
Together in love, our souls will teach,
and guide our future, as we walk on the beach.
For I am in love...
Painting: Birds Gossip
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x80cm
Year: 2022.
Do you think birds find people funny? Let’s listen to what the robin and the jay have to say
‘Think...’ said the robin,
‘Think...’ said the jay,
sitting in the gardetalking one day.
‘Think about people
the way they grow:
they don’t have feathers
at all, you know.
They don’t eat beetles, they don’t grow wings,
they don’t like sitting on wires and things.’
‘Aren’t people funny to be that way?’
120x80cm 80x60cm Acrylic on canvas 2022
Painting: A Roman Soldier
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x80cm
Year: 2022.
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!
Painting: Tinker Bell with Orange Wings
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x80cm
Year: 2022.
I had a dream; I was a girl with wings.
Huge wings made of orange feathers
I could wrap around me to stay warm
Or to hide; I often had to hide.
I could fly, and how I loved to fly,
With my orange wings through the crystal skies,
The earth was just another place I knew of,
No cage, no tether holding me in thrall.
I had huge, orange wings and I could fly.
Painting: Lion King
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x80cm
Year: 2022.
Painting: Woman and the Lemons
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x80cm
Year: 2022.
Light, fresh, clean anf yellow
The sun shines light on my body and my soul
Lemon radiates strenght
I am ready to move forward, as a light
Rays of hope are shinning
Painting: Woman with Curly hair
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 80x60cm
Year: 2022.
The flowerlike animal perfume in the god’s curly hair —
don’t assume that like a flower his attributes are there to tempt
Painting: Bird Seeds
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 80x60cm
Year: 2022.
Bird Seed for Everybody
joy in birdspeak this morning
cardinals, robins and a sparrow
hopping around collecting birdseed
squirrels have ruined all feeders
Painting: A Summer Girl
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 80x60cm
Year: 2022.
Standing in the August sun, Your skin soaks up the light, And saves it for November,
When clouds occlude the sky.
The gentle breeze softly coaxes. The folds of your paisley dress,
To gather up their courage And ask your hair to dance.
Painting: The Escape
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 80x60cm
Year: 2022.
In this vast ocean of life
Many struggle to guide their boat
To escape is to survive
Just to keep afloat
80x60cm/60x80cm Acrylic on canvas 2020/2021
Painting: Winter Rainbow
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 80x60cm
Year: 2021.
the reason we don’t see as many rainbows in the winter
has a lot to do with our cravings for it.
And if we do see it,
it seemed,
that it should be much brighter,much more colorful than usual, right?
Painting: Two sisters
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 80x60cm
Year: 2020.
If you have a sister, you have a friend for life.
You to are two fishes swimming along and together in big ocean of life.
Painting: Coming in Peace or Little Greens
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 80x60cm
Year: 2020.
What if our neighbors come to visit us?
But not like in block-busters, but in peace...
Little-green-ones coming in peace!
Some evidence says,
that something similar may have happend already, eons ago...
What would they look like?
Do not know..
Painting: Super Ant
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 80x60cm
Year: 2020.
The real strength has nothing to do with size.
Sometimes the tiny ants are our superheroes.
Just a thought...
Painting: Two Atlantis Citizens
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 80x60cm
Year: 2020.
The friendship have been here, among us,
Since the beginning of history,
From the beginning of life on Earths,
From Atlantis,
`Till today.
Cherish that!!
120x100cm Acrylic on canvas 2019
Painting: Dancing Boy
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x100cm
Year: 2019.
When you hear some music do you dance along?
Birds singing?
Pop music from the beach cafe, that you just passed by?
Melody of the waves?
Sounds of the forest?
Painting: Waiting for the Perfect Wave
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x100cm
Year: 2019.
Waiting for the perfect wave.
Ocean is on your side.
It is waiting for you to be ready.
Painting: Honey Bee
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x100cm
Year: 2019.
Without bees mankind would
disappear from the face of the Earth
in two years.
Cherish them!
Protect them!
Painting: The Queen of Egypt
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x100cm
Year: 2019.
Were the queens from the past severely strict,
or people just obeyed them
out of love and respect.
If, the latter, I am sure they earned it.
Why the mankind lost that quality?
Painting: Two Friends in Heaven
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x100cm
Year: 2019.
Who do you bring along on the uninhabited island?
Would not it feel like a heaven?
Painting: Master with his Guitar
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x100cm
Year: 2019.
Acoustic guitar playing.
Warm summer night. No breeze, just bright stars.
Where that music comes from?
Is not it lovely?
Is it real, after all?
80x60cm Acrylic on canvas 2019
Painting: Ballerina
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 80x60cm
Year: 2019.
All she could remember from her childhood,
as the most treasured memory in her life,
was when her father played the piano,
and she danced and danced
round and round in circles.
Painting: The Time Machine or The Eye
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 80x60cm
Year: 2019.
What if the time machine had an eye to see
who to take in,
and whom not to.
What if black holes were in color.
Vibrant and vivid color...
Painting: Watermelon at the Ocean`s
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 80x60cm
Year: 2019.
Eating watermelon at the beach;
Looking at the Ocean;
Smelling the waves;
Hearing the surfers;
Light breeze is gently cuddling your back.
50x40cm Acrylic on canvas 2019/2020
Painting: Until I See You Again
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 50x40cm
Year: 2020.
Good buy!
Until I see you again,
Painting: The Glaze
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 50x40cm
Year: 2019.
Gazing at someone;
Forgetting you are not invisible.
Painting: Blondie
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 50x40cm
Year: 2019.
Going back
After going out
Did I have a good time?
Or just wasting of my time?
Painting: The Parrot
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 50x40cm
Year: 2019.
Can you take your Parrot with you
in the time machine?
- Why not, if he promise to be quiet..
Painting: Fish Bird Eye
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 50x40cm
Year: 2019.
What if a bird and a fish have met?
What kind of friendship it would be?
30x30cm Acrylic on canvas 2019
Painting: Flying around Globe
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 30x30cm
Year: 2019.
Best times ever?
-Flying around with your best buddy;
-your sole-mate;
-your one of the kind person.
And you never get tired.
Painting: Jupiter – twin LEFT
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 30x30cm
Year: 2019.
What was weather on planet Jupiter?
Not in figures,
but imagine to feel it
on your skin.
Painting: Jupiter – twin RIGHT
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 30x30cm
Year: 2019.
What was weather on planet Jupiter?
Not in figures,
but imagine to feel it
on your skin.
50x40cm Acrylic on canvas 2020
Painting: The Ducks in Blue
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 50x40cm
Year: 2020.
From troubles of the world
I turn to ducks,
Beautiful comical things
Sleeping or curled
Their heads beneath white wings
(Ducks - F.W. Harvey,1919)
Painting: The Ducks in Green
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 50x40cm
Year: 2020.
Each bird a boat
Rippling at will the sweet
Wide waterway…
(Ducks - F.W. Harvey,1919)
Painting: The Ducks in Pink
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 50x40cm
Year: 2020.
Yes, ducks are valiant things
On nests of twigs and straws,
And ducks are soothy things
And lovely on the lake
When that the sunlight draws
Thereon their pictures dim
In colours cool.
(Ducks - F.W. Harvey,1919)
120x80cm Acrylic on canvas 2020
Painting: Sad King or Boredom
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x80cm
Year: 2020.
Being the one,
and number one.
In anything,
in the world,
means responsibility, by default.
Sometimes it can be fun, I assume.
Often, it is just responsible.
But anyhow, majority of people strive there.
Painting: Blue India
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x80cm
Year: 2020.
What if India
was a dancing woman
with flowers in her hair.
Is it blue?
Maybe so, but certainly is powerful and strong.
Painting: Diving in the Deep
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x80cm
Year: 2020.
Deep waters on this planet differ so much
From the life-form we are used to.
Imagine being there,
Diving in the deep waters
Tasting the water,
Feeling the water temperature on your skin,
Looking on some strange creatures-
Strange creatures looking at you...
Painting: Egyptian Cat
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x80cm
Year: 2020.
The guardian angel of Egyptian temples.
Hears a lot, but never tells..
Savior and protector.
A bit to righteous sometimes..
Has to learn to how to forgive..
Painting: Girl`s Talk
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x80cm
Year: 2020.
Girl`s night out:
Girls, friends, girlfriends go out..
They know each other well..
They have a drink.
They laugh!
They gossip!
They speak chorally and oudly at the same time,
Interrupting each other.
They have a good time!
Painting: GodMother
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x80cm
Year: 2020.
God-Mother or Mother-God..
Guardian angel:
Loving, protecting, cherishing your child!
She always knows,
She always listens.
Painting: Noisy LosAngeles
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x80cm
Year: 2020.
...but irresistible...
lovely houses,
Smell in the air.
Painting: Saturn in Aquarius
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x80cm
Year: 2020.
Compression of freedom,
Talking is only solution.
Discipline is good for you,
That i how you grow..
Painting: The Tree of Life
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x80cm
Year: 2020
Genesis 2:9:
“The LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground
Trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food.
In the middle of the garden were the tree of life
And the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”
Painting: The species from Amazon
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x80cm
Year: 2020.
The Amazon is an incredibly unique place.
It is the world’s largest rain-forest and river system,
the most biologically diverse place on Earth.
It contains millions of species,
most of them still undescribed.
Painting: The Castle between Heaven and Earth
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 120x80cm
Year: 2020.
Somewhere in the mountains
By the lake,
In the green forest,
In the deep deep woods,
Where birds sing,
Is the holly place,
Enchanted city,
where all wishes come true …
100x70cm Acrylic on canvas 2019
Painting: Hindu God
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 100x70cm
Year: 2019.
Hindu God has superpowers.
So, better - behave!
Presents are also included.
Painting: The God of Blue
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 100x70cm
Year: 2019.
Blue Saint
With Flowers in hands
Is being Father Figure.
Painting: Mother in Pink Sweater
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 100x70cm
Year: 2019.
You are always under tenderness
and protection of your mother,
Even if it does not feel like it.
70x50cm + 80x60cm Acrylic on canvas 2018
Painting: Walking in three
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 70x50cm
Year: 2018.
Some two loved each other so much,
That their bodies couldn’t hold in
the amount of love
they had,
So they gave life to the third part.
Painting: Tzarevna-Korolevna
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 70x50cm
Year: 2018.
The queen from the other worlds
Loves squares
Loves triangles
Painting: Nurture Wheat
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 70x50cm
Year: 2018.
Magnificent nature feed us,
Nurture us,
Magic beans are everywhere.
Painting: Aladin
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 80x60cm
Year: 2018.
He is the warrior.
He is the savior.
He is Aladin.
He can fly!
So he does
Painting: Walking through the Woods
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 80x60cm
Year: 2018.
In the woods..
By yourself..
Hurry up..
Leaves whisper some forgotten melody.
Painting: Black Bird Eye
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 80x60cm
Year: 2018.
His eyes are singing;
His thoughts are flying.
It is hotsweaty summer outside.
Painting: Lady with the hat
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 70x50cm
Year: 2018.
Walking under the hot Sun,
looking forward.
Green fields are in front.
100x70cm Acrylic on canvas 2017
Painting: Blue Giant or Face of Mood - Blue
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 100x70cm
Year: 2017.
Saint is above as all and looking..
Someone is above .. it brings solace, condolence
Looking after us ...guiding us...
Maybe Its color is Blue...
Painting: Yellow Giant or Face of Mood - Yellow
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 100x70cm
Year: 2017.
Someone is above ..
looking after us ...
guiding us...
nurturing us
maybe Its color is Yellow, or Greenish...
Painting: Orange Giant or
Face of Mood - ORANGE
Technics: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 100x70cm
Year: 2017.
Someone is above ..
looking after us ...
guiding us...
admonishing us...
maybe Its color is Orange...
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All artworks have a certificate of authenticity which assures that the described artwork is an original, authentic painting,
painted by the artist Mesecolja (Cvijanović Olja).
This artwork is a one-of-a-kind authentic, original artwork derived entirely from artist own observation, imagination or sketches.
All copyright and reproduction rights are retained by the artist .
This artwork may not be reproduced by any process whatsoever, sold or used anyhow without the express written permission of the artist.
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